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  • Categories: Aromas y esencias
  • Categories: Azúcares

Sustancia aromatica natural. para su utilización en caramelos, galletas, chocolates, productos de pastelería, bolleria, confiteria, repostería, helados y en todos aquellos alimentos que la reglamentacion Tecnico-Sanitaria autorice. Dosificación: Según masa.


€38.93 €36.98 -5%

Product Description:
Indulge in the sweet delight of our SACO 10 KG Pearled Sugar AGR P2. This premium quality sugar is perfect for adding a touch of elegance to your baked goods. Its unique pearled texture enhances the visual appeal of your pastries, making them irresistible. Ideal for professional bakers and home enthusiasts alike, this 10 kg pack ensures you never run out of sweetness. Elevate your baking experience with our pearled sugar, and let your culinary creations shine!

Nunca ha sido tan fácil hacer Royal Icing como ahora. Con el preparado de FunCakes (Mix for Royal Icing) podrás hacer una glasa real perfecta. Con tan solo añadir un poco de agua al preparado tendrás el mejor Royal Icing del mundo. Podrás decorar tus tartas, galletas y cualquier cosa que se te ocurra.

Con esta mezcla para glasé real de FunCakes solo tienes que añadir agua para elaborar un glaseado para cubrir su tarta o decorarla. mezcla bien hasta que se puedan dibujar picos firmes para crear un rizo en los extremos. La mezcla de glasé real se endurece después del procesamiento.

Descripciónnn Aroma de limón en pasta.nn Aplicaciónn -Indicados como aromatizante en masas horneadas, croissants, brioches, magdalenas y cakes, etc.n -Producto indicado para la aromatización de toda clase de elaboraciones pasteleras, de repostería y heladería.nn Ventajasn -Aporta color a sus elaboraciones.n -Pasta ligeramente viscosa, con olor y sabor característicos de limón.n -El aroma estable a procesos de horneado y de congelación/descongelación.nnInformaciónnn Dosificaciónn De 5 a 10 g de AROMA Limón Especial, por kg.

Descripciónnn Aroma de FRESA en pasta.nn Aplicaciónn -Indicados como aromatizante en masas horneadas, croissants, brioches, magdalenas y cakes, etc.n -Producto indicado para la aromatización de toda clase de elaboraciones pasteleras, de repostería y heladería.nn Ventajasn -Aporta color a sus elaboraciones.n -Pasta ligeramente viscosa, con olor y sabor característicos de limón.n -El aroma estable a procesos de horneado y de congelación/descongelación.nnInformaciónnn Dosificaciónn De 5 a 10 g de AROMA FRESA Especial, por kg.

Las emulsiones de panadería profesionales de LorAnn (LorAnn Professional Bakery Emulsions) se diferencian de los extractos concentrados por su delicioso e intenso sabor de larga duración. Las emulsiones son particularmente aptas para su uso en los ambientes más extremos, como es el caso del procesamiento a altas temperaturas. Una excelente elección para todos aquellos que elaboran tartas, bases, bizcochos, galletas, pero también rellenos, glaseado y postres.

Las emulsiones Princess Cake and Cookie tienen un sabor ligero a fruto seco, con matices de cítricos y vainilla. Combinación de sabores de vainilla, almendra y limón. Utilice esta emulsión para todas las recetas que requieran un extracto de vainilla con un sabor irresistible.

Esta emulsión Citroen solo contiene extractos de limón naturales y aporta un sabor fresco e intenso a cítrico.</p><p>Las emulsiones son a base de agua y son una alternativa perfecta sin alcohol para la mayoría de los extractos. Al no utilizar alcohol, sino estabilizantees naturales y agua, la emulsión puede estar expuesta al calor extremo, sin que esto suponga un perjuicio para su sabor.

Contenido: 118 ml.

Contiene: agua, propilenglicol, saborizante de limón natural, goma arábiga, goma xantana, benzoato de sodio

Esta emulsión le dará a tu tarta un delicioso sabor a crema de queso. Una excelente opción para dar sabor a tus galletas, pasteles, glaseados, rellenos, etc.

Las emulsiones son alternativas a los extractos y en lugar de utilizar alcohol, el sabor es micro encapsulado en estabilizadores naturales y suspendido en el agua. El encapsulamiento permite no perder el sabor cuando se exponen a temperaturas altas. Las emulsiones tienen un sabor más potente y sólido.

ingredientes: sabores naturales y artificiales, agua, propilenglicol, alcohol, goma, benzoato de sodio, ácido cítrico


€6.31 €5.99 -5%

Una excelente elección para todos aquellos que elaboran tartas, bases, bizcochos, galletas, pero también rellenos, glaseado y postres.

La emulsión para hornear Coconut tiene un delicioso sabor tropical.

Las emulsiones son a base de agua y son una alternativa perfecta sin alcohol para la mayoría de los extractos. Al no utilizar alcohol, sino estabilizantees naturales y agua, la emulsión puede estar expuesta al calor extremo, sin que esto suponga un perjuicio para su sabor.

Una excelente elección para todos aquellos que elaboran tartas, bases, bizcochos, galletas, pero también rellenos, glaseado y postres.

La emulsión para hornear Cinnamon tiene un delicioso sabor a canela.

Las emulsiones son a base de agua y son una alternativa perfecta sin alcohol para la mayoría de los extractos. Al no utilizar alcohol, sino estabilizantees naturales y agua, la emulsión puede estar expuesta al calor extremo, sin que esto suponga un perjuicio para su sabor.

El jarabe de glucosa FunCakes se puede utilizar en una gran variedad de recetas dulces y postres, tartas y mermeladas. El jarabe de glucosa evita la cristalización del azúcar y le da más elasticidad, por ejemplo para el modelado de chocolate, glasa real o royal icing, pasta de goma y fondant.

"44º AGR Glucose (2.2 KG Cube)"

Indulge in the sweet magic of our 44º AGR Glucose, conveniently packed in a 2.2 KG cube. This premium quality glucose is a baker's delight, perfect for creating delectable pastries, mouth-watering desserts, and exquisite confectioneries. It's a versatile ingredient that enhances the texture and extends the shelf life of your baked goods. Unleash your culinary creativity with our 44º AGR Glucose, the secret ingredient to elevate your baking experience.

El azúcar glas de confitería de FunCakes Confitería es un azúcar el polvo con glucosa deshidratada. Rico y cremoso de sabor y con una textura más fina que el azúcar glas normal. Empaquetado en una práctica, resistente y ecológica bolsa de papel.

Este azúcar glas es apto para, entre otras cosas, la elaboración de glaseado, para hornear, decorar o para estirar mazapán y pasta de azúcar. Para obtener un resultado óptimo se debe utilizar tamizado.

Ingredientes: azúcar, jarabe de glucosa deshidratado. Es apto para Halal.

Con este glaseado de fondant S20 o "fondant fundido" puedes cubrir tus postres con una preciosa capa de brillo blanco nacarado con un pico (se endurece). La elaboración del glaseado es muy sencilla, incluso lo puede elaborar en el microondas y puedes introducirlo en tus bizcochos. Seca bien, aporta un brillo espectacular y se puede aportar color o sabor con facilidad (colorante o saborizante).Por supuesto, también puedes utilizar el glaseado de fondant para tartas y su uso es muy sencillo para aportar toques especiales con una manga pastelera.


Presentado en cubo de 7 kilos.

Con este glaseado de fondant S20 o "fondant fundido" puedes cubrir tus postres con una preciosa capa de brillo blanco nacarado con un pico (se endurece). La elaboración del glaseado es muy sencilla, incluso lo puede elaborar en el microondas y puedes introducirlo en tus bizcochos. Seca bien, aporta un brillo espectacular y se puede aportar color o sabor con facilidad (colorante o saborizante).Por supuesto, también puedes utilizar el glaseado de fondant para tartas y su uso es muy sencillo para aportar toques especiales con una manga pastelera.


Presentado en cubo de 15 kilos.

Title in English: "3 KG Bag of Azucarera Glace Silk Baking Sugar"

Product Description: Elevate your baking to new heights with Azucarera's Glace Silk Baking Sugar. This 3 KG bag is a baker's dream, offering a fine, silky texture that blends seamlessly into your recipes. Perfect for pastries, cakes, and other sweet treats, it dissolves quickly, ensuring a smooth, even sweetness throughout. Made from premium ingredients, this sugar promises to enhance the flavor of your baked goods, making every bite a delightful experience. With Azucarera's Glace Silk Baking Sugar, your kitchen becomes a gourmet bakery.
"FunCakes Large Pearl Sugar (200g Jar)"

Indulge in the sweet delight of FunCakes Large Pearl Sugar. This 200g jar is packed with high-quality, large granulated sugar pearls that add a delightful crunch and a beautiful decorative touch to your baked goods. Perfect for sprinkling on pastries, cookies, or breads, it's a must-have for any baking enthusiast. Elevate your baking experience with FunCakes Large Pearl Sugar - because every sweet treat deserves a touch of sparkle!
Title: "Pearled Sugar AGR P2 (2.5 KG Cube)"

Description: Sweeten your baking experience with our Pearled Sugar AGR P2. Packaged in a convenient 2.5 KG cube, this premium sugar is perfect for adding a delightful crunch and a glossy finish to your pastries. Whether you're baking a traditional Belgian waffle or a French brioche, our pearled sugar will enhance your creations with its unique texture and subtle sweetness. Elevate your baking to the next level with Pearled Sugar AGR P2 - the secret ingredient for professional bakers and pastry enthusiasts alike.
"Modecor Neutral Isomalt Sugar (1.3 Kg)"

Unleash your culinary creativity with Modecor's Neutral Isomalt Sugar. This 1.3 Kg pack is perfect for crafting stunning sugar decorations, enhancing the visual appeal of your pastries. Its neutral taste ensures it doesn't interfere with your dessert's flavor profile. Ideal for professional bakers and hobbyists alike, this Isomalt sugar is your secret ingredient to elevate your baking game. Experience the joy of creating beautiful and delicious masterpieces with Modecor's Neutral Isomalt Sugar.
"Powdered Sugar (10kg Bag)"

Indulge in the sweet magic of our premium quality Powdered Sugar, conveniently packed in a 10kg bag. Perfect for all your baking needs, this finely ground sugar dissolves effortlessly, ensuring a smooth texture in icings, frostings, and delicate pastries. It's also ideal for dusting a snowy layer on your favorite desserts. Elevate your baking experience with our Powdered Sugar, a must-have ingredient for every baker's pantry. Enjoy the consistent quality and taste that promises to make your sweet creations even more irresistible.
"Snowy Icing Sugar (1 Kg Bag)"

Indulge in the sweet magic of our Snowy Icing Sugar. This premium quality, finely ground sugar is the secret ingredient to elevate your baking to new heights. Perfect for creating smooth icing, dusting pastries, or sweetening your favorite desserts. It dissolves effortlessly, ensuring a smooth, velvety texture every time. Packaged in a convenient 1 Kg bag, it's a must-have for any baking enthusiast. Experience the difference with our Snowy Icing Sugar - your key to delicious, melt-in-your-mouth treats.
"Powdered Sugar by Myruar (2kg Cube)"

Indulge in the sweet, velvety texture of Myruar's Powdered Sugar. Packaged in a convenient 2kg cube, this premium quality sugar is the perfect ingredient to elevate your baking and pastry creations. Its fine, powdery consistency ensures it blends seamlessly into your recipes, creating a smooth and luscious finish. Whether you're dusting a fresh batch of doughnuts, sweetening your homemade whipped cream, or crafting a glossy icing for your cake, Myruar's Powdered Sugar is your secret weapon for a delightful sweetness that melts in your mouth. Enjoy the taste of perfection with every bite.
"BUKET Anti-Humidity Icing Sugar (1 Kg Bag)"

Indulge in the sweet magic of BUKET's Anti-Humidity Icing Sugar. This premium 1 Kg bag is your perfect baking companion, ensuring your pastries always have that professional touch. Its anti-humidity feature guarantees a smooth, clump-free texture, making your icing and dusting processes a breeze. Elevate your baking experience with BUKET - because every dessert deserves a sprinkle of perfection.

Experience the magic of baking with our Anti-Humidity Sucrelux Sugar. This 15 kg pack is designed to resist moisture, ensuring your baked goods maintain their perfect texture and sweetness. Ideal for both professional bakers and home enthusiasts, it dissolves smoothly, leaving no gritty residue. Elevate your pastries, cakes, and cookies with our premium quality sugar. It's not just an ingredient, it's the secret to your baking success.
"FunCakes Vanilla Aroma Paste (100g Jar)"

Indulge in the rich, creamy essence of FunCakes Vanilla Aroma Paste. This 100g jar is packed with pure, concentrated vanilla flavor, perfect for enhancing your baked goods and pastries. Its smooth texture blends seamlessly into your recipes, infusing them with a sweet, aromatic vanilla taste that's simply irresistible. Whether you're baking cookies, cakes, or custards, FunCakes Vanilla Aroma Paste will elevate your creations to new heights of deliciousness. Experience the difference of real, high-quality vanilla in your baking today.
Title: "FunCakes Peach Aroma Paste (120g Bottle)"

Description: "Experience the delightful burst of fresh peach flavor with FunCakes Peach Aroma Paste. This 120g bottle is a baking essential, perfect for enhancing your cakes, pastries, and desserts. Its concentrated formula ensures a long-lasting taste that will elevate your baking to new heights. Easy to use and blend, it's the secret ingredient your kitchen needs. With FunCakes Peach Aroma Paste, every bite is a celebration of fruity goodness. Transform your baking today!"
"FunCakes Green Apple Aroma Paste (120 grams)"

Indulge in the refreshing taste of green apples with FunCakes Green Apple Aroma Paste. This 120-gram jar is packed with the vibrant, tangy flavor of fresh green apples, perfect for enhancing your baked goods. Whether you're whipping up a batch of cupcakes, cookies, or a classic apple pie, this aroma paste will add a delightful twist to your creations. Easy to use and versatile, it's a must-have addition to your baking essentials. Experience the joy of baking with the rich, fruity flavor of FunCakes Green Apple Aroma Paste.
"FunCakes Sweet Milk Aroma Paste (100 grams)"

Indulge in the rich, creamy flavor of FunCakes Sweet Milk Aroma Paste. This 100-gram pack is a baking essential that adds a delightful twist to your pastries. Crafted from high-quality ingredients, it infuses your baked goods with the irresistible taste of dulce de leche. Perfect for cakes, cookies, and other sweet treats, it's easy to use and guarantees a taste sensation in every bite. Elevate your baking experience with FunCakes Sweet Milk Aroma Paste.
"FunCakes Coconut Aroma Paste (100g Jar)"

Indulge in the tropical delight of FunCakes Coconut Aroma Paste. This 100g jar is packed with the rich, creamy essence of real coconuts, perfect for enhancing your baked goods and pastries. Whether you're whipping up a batch of cookies, a decadent cake, or a creamy custard, a dash of this coconut aroma paste will transport your taste buds to a tropical paradise. Easy to use and intensely flavorful, it's a must-have addition to any baker's pantry. Elevate your baking experience with FunCakes Coconut Aroma Paste.
Title: "FunCakes Cherry Aroma Paste (100g Bottle)"

Product Description: "Experience the delightful burst of cherry flavor with FunCakes Cherry Aroma Paste. This 100g bottle is packed with the essence of ripe, juicy cherries, perfect for enhancing your baked goods. Whether you're whipping up a batch of cookies, a decadent cake, or a creamy frosting, this aroma paste will add a tantalizing cherry twist. Easy to use and highly concentrated, a little goes a long way. Elevate your baking experience with FunCakes Cherry Aroma Paste - your secret ingredient for irresistibly flavorful pastries."
"FunCakes Cappuccino Flavor Paste (100g Jar)"

Indulge in the rich, creamy taste of cappuccino with FunCakes Flavor Paste. This 100g jar is packed with the authentic taste of your favorite coffeehouse treat, perfect for enhancing your baked goods. Whether you're whipping up a batch of cookies, a decadent cake, or a creamy frosting, this flavor paste will add a delightful cappuccino twist. Easy to use and versatile, it's a must-have addition to your baking arsenal. Elevate your baking experience with FunCakes Cappuccino Flavor Paste.
Title: "FunCakes Hazelnut Aroma Paste (100g Jar)"

Description: "Experience the rich, nutty delight of FunCakes Hazelnut Aroma Paste. This 100g jar is packed with intense flavor, perfect for enhancing your baked goods and pastries. Whether you're whipping up a batch of cookies, a decadent cake, or a creamy frosting, this paste adds a gourmet touch. Easy to use and versatile, it's a must-have for any baking enthusiast. Elevate your creations with the irresistible taste of hazelnut. With FunCakes, every bite is a celebration!"
Title in English: "FunCakes 'Tiramisu' Aroma Paste (120g Bottle)"

Product Description:
Indulge in the rich, creamy essence of Italy with the FunCakes 'Tiramisu' Aroma Paste. This 120g bottle is packed with the authentic taste of tiramisu, perfect for enhancing your baked goods and pastries. Whether you're creating a classic tiramisu dessert or adding a twist to your cupcakes, this flavor-packed paste will take your baking to the next level. Easy to use and versatile, it's a must-have for any baking enthusiast looking to experiment with gourmet flavors. Elevate your baking experience with FunCakes 'Tiramisu' Aroma Paste.
Title in English: "FunCakes Pineapple Flavored Paste (120g Bottle)"

Product Description:
Experience the tropical delight of FunCakes Pineapple Flavored Paste. This 120g bottle is packed with the sweet, tangy taste of ripe pineapples, perfect for enhancing your baked goods and pastries. Whether you're whipping up a cake, cookies, or a tart, this flavor paste will transport your taste buds to a tropical paradise. Easy to use and versatile, it's a must-have addition to your baking essentials. With FunCakes Pineapple Flavored Paste, every bite is a burst of sunshine!
"FunCakes Orange Aroma Paste (120g Jar)"

Experience the zesty delight of FunCakes Orange Aroma Paste. This 120g jar is packed with the vibrant essence of fresh oranges, ready to infuse your baked goods with a burst of citrusy flavor. Perfect for cakes, pastries, and other sweet treats, this high-quality aroma paste is a must-have for any baking enthusiast. Elevate your baking game with the tantalizing taste of real oranges. FunCakes Orange Aroma Paste - your secret ingredient for irresistibly delicious and aromatic pastries.
Title: "FunCakes Mandarin Aroma Paste (120g Bottle)"

Description: "Experience the tangy delight of FunCakes Mandarin Aroma Paste. This 120g bottle is packed with the vibrant, citrusy essence of mandarins, perfect for adding a refreshing twist to your baked goods. Whether you're whipping up a cake, cookies, or pastries, this flavor enhancer will take your creations to the next level. Easy to use and versatile, it's a must-have addition to your baking arsenal. With FunCakes Mandarin Aroma Paste, every bite is a burst of sunshine!"
"FunCakes Lemon Aroma Paste (100g Bottle)"

Experience the zesty delight of FunCakes Lemon Aroma Paste. This 100g bottle is packed with the refreshing, tangy essence of real lemons, perfect for enhancing your baking creations. Whether you're whipping up a batch of lemon cupcakes, a tangy tart, or a creamy cheesecake, this versatile paste will infuse your pastries with a burst of natural lemon flavor. Easy to use and highly concentrated, a little goes a long way. Elevate your baking to new, delicious heights with FunCakes Lemon Aroma Paste. Your taste buds will thank you!
Title: FunCakes "Pomegranate" Aroma Paste (120g Bottle)

Description: Add a burst of fruity freshness to your baked goods with FunCakes "Pomegranate" Aroma Paste. This 120g bottle is packed with the tangy, sweet flavor of ripe pomegranates, perfect for enhancing cakes, pastries, and desserts. Easy to use and highly concentrated, a little goes a long way. Whether you're a professional baker or a home cooking enthusiast, this pomegranate aroma paste will take your baking to the next level. Elevate your creations with the vibrant taste of pomegranate, and let FunCakes bring the magic to your kitchen.
"AGR Orange Blossom Water (1 Liter Bottle)"

Experience the aromatic allure of AGR Orange Blossom Water. This 1-liter bottle is a culinary delight, perfect for enhancing your baking and pastry creations. Distilled from the freshest orange blossoms, it adds a subtle citrusy sweetness to your recipes. Ideal for infusing cakes, cookies, and other sweet treats with a unique, floral twist. Elevate your baking experience with this versatile ingredient. AGR Orange Blossom Water - your secret weapon for extraordinary pastries.

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