Title: "Candied Williams Pear Fruit Art - 3kg, 65º Brix"
Description: "Indulge in the sweet symphony of our Candied Williams Pear Fruit Art. Weighing 3kg with a 65º Brix, this gourmet delight is a perfect blend of taste and texture. Each pear is carefully selected and confit to preserve its natural flavor and sweetness. Ideal for baking, pastries, or simply enjoying on its own. Elevate your culinary creations with this exquisite ingredient, and let the rich, fruity notes of Williams pear add a touch of elegance to your dishes."
Description: "Indulge in the sweet symphony of our Candied Williams Pear Fruit Art. Weighing 3kg with a 65º Brix, this gourmet delight is a perfect blend of taste and texture. Each pear is carefully selected and confit to preserve its natural flavor and sweetness. Ideal for baking, pastries, or simply enjoying on its own. Elevate your culinary creations with this exquisite ingredient, and let the rich, fruity notes of Williams pear add a touch of elegance to your dishes."