Title in English: "Yellow Liposoluble Powder Dye (25g Jar)"
Product Description: Unleash your creativity with our Yellow Liposoluble Powder Dye. This 25g jar is packed with vibrant, high-quality color that's perfect for enhancing your baked goods and pastries. Easy to blend, it provides a consistent, rich hue to your creations. Whether you're crafting a sunny lemon tart or designing a batch of playful cupcakes, this dye will make your treats stand out. It's food-safe, easy to store, and a must-have in every baker's pantry. Add a pop of color to your baking with our Yellow Liposoluble Powder Dye.
Product Description: Unleash your creativity with our Yellow Liposoluble Powder Dye. This 25g jar is packed with vibrant, high-quality color that's perfect for enhancing your baked goods and pastries. Easy to blend, it provides a consistent, rich hue to your creations. Whether you're crafting a sunny lemon tart or designing a batch of playful cupcakes, this dye will make your treats stand out. It's food-safe, easy to store, and a must-have in every baker's pantry. Add a pop of color to your baking with our Yellow Liposoluble Powder Dye.