Title: "Scented Self-Sealing Garbage Bags 55x60 (15 Units)"
Description: Keep your space clean and fresh with our Scented Self-Sealing Garbage Bags. Sized at 55x60, they're perfect for any household or office use. Each pack comes with 15 units, ensuring you're well-stocked for a while. The self-sealing feature guarantees a mess-free disposal, while the subtle fragrance helps mask unpleasant odors. Made from durable material, these bags are designed to handle all types of waste. Choose our Scented Self-Sealing Garbage Bags for a hassle-free and fragrant solution to waste management.
Description: Keep your space clean and fresh with our Scented Self-Sealing Garbage Bags. Sized at 55x60, they're perfect for any household or office use. Each pack comes with 15 units, ensuring you're well-stocked for a while. The self-sealing feature guarantees a mess-free disposal, while the subtle fragrance helps mask unpleasant odors. Made from durable material, these bags are designed to handle all types of waste. Choose our Scented Self-Sealing Garbage Bags for a hassle-free and fragrant solution to waste management.